B0007276 Eukaryotic cell
Credit: Anna Tanczos. Wellcome Images
A eukaryotic cell is defined as a nucleus containing cell. Most living organisms including animals, plants, fungi and protists are eukaryotes. The contents of the cell depicted in this model are as folows: The central region of the cell shows the nuclear envelope contining the nuclear pores, nucleolus and DNA (shown as a double helix). The golgi apparatus is purple and the smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum are in shiney blue, both these structures are convoluted in shape to give them a larger surface area. The energy producing apparatus of the cell is the mitochondria – shown in red. The ribosomes are dipicted as green spheres, the centrioles – grey cylinders, the vesicles light blue spheres and lysosymes – large purple spheres.
Digital artwork/Computer graphic
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