Searching for the Mind
Are you aware that many of the most important scientific findings have been discovered in the past year?
This blog updates readers with the latest research related to the emerging view of mind as an integral aspect of nature. Posts are up-to-date summaries from the most prestigious scientific medquest-inc journals in the fields of neuroscience, animal behavior, microbiology, and cellular biology. Please press Blog button above for current posts and all past posts by topic.
Du får info om detta när du lägger din beställning. E-legitimation krävs för att hämta receptbelagd medicin, t.ex. Liksom alla läkemedel kan Levitra sök på denna webbplats orsaka vissa biverkningar, även om alla inte får dem. För både vardenafil och M1 är proteinbindningen oberoende av den totala läkemedelskoncentrationen.
A synthesis of apotekbutiken the most current information is now presented in Jon Lieff’s new book, The Secret Language of Cells available wherever books are sold.
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About Jon Lieff, MD
Dr. Jon Lieff is a neuropsychiatrist with a BA in Mathematics from Yale University and an MD from Harvard Medical School. He pioneered the creation of integrated treatment units that focus on complex patients with combined medical, psychiatric, and neurological problems.
Furthermore, he is an expert and innovator in developing specialized, innovative treatment programs for brain-injured patients.
For many years, in addition to his clinical work, Dr. Lieff has been researching the question of where mind can be found in nature. At first, his inquiry related to neuroscience. He then expanded his study to include intelligence in a wide range of animals, and eventually individual cells, microbes, and viruses.
Dr. Lieff is able to make complex scientific information easy to understand. He has written and edited multiple books and has lectured widely over the years on a variety of subjects.
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Do you know your cells?
With the release of his new book, The Secret Language of Cells, Jon Lieff also created a quiz titled, Do you know your cells?
How well do you know your cells? Can you recognize the difference between the COVID-19 virus and others? Take the quiz below to find out!
Take the quiz
Dr. Lieff is a highly dynamic speaker who has delivered innumerable lectures over the years on subjects such as neuroscience, psychopharmacology, brain injury, dementia, and depression for audiences of physicians, other health care providers, and the general public. He has been sought after for guest blogs on notable scientific websites and interviews on major national media sites, including television and print media. Multiple radio stations around the country have interviewed him about topics related to his blog, and he has spoken at the Berklee School of Music about neuroscience and music.
As both his blog and his book demonstrate, Dr. Lieff has the ability to translate the largely impenetrable jargon of the scientific literature in a manner that makes it clear and understandable for general science readers and scientific experts.
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On a daily basis I read multiple science blogs, a journal watch, and an international email list that captures the findings of the day. On a weekly basis, I read Science, Nature, New Scientist, Science News, New England Journal of Medicine and other journal articles as they appear. On a monthly basis I read Nature Neuroscience Reviews, and other neuroscience and psychiatric journals.