First Program
Peoples Rx with Bill Swail, RPh, and Julia Strickler, ND, on the Good News Health Show
Question and answer with Dr. Lieff for thirty minutes discussing extraordinary mental experiences; PTSD and depression; neuroplasticity with music, exercise, food and more.
You can move to the start of the interview beginning at 14:00 minutes which continues until 44:30 out of 1 hour 46 minute show.
Second Program
Peoples Rx with Bill Swail, RPh and Amy Neuzil, ND, on the Let’s Get Healthy Show.
Question and answer with Dr. Lieff for twenty six minutes discussing problems with mapping the brain; neuroplasticity; right and left brain; conscious and unconscious memory; and more.
You can move to the start of the interview beginning at 17:30 minutes which continues until 43:00 out of 1 hour 34 minute show.
Q and A on Austin Radio.